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169 Gertrude Street, Ngár-go (Fitzroy)


Kathy Holowko is torn between utopia and dystopia, marvelling and questioning, nature and humanity. Holowko practice explores the effects that urban life has upon our understanding of ecology. In busy, human-centric environments, Holowko searches for narratives and connections that can help reconsider our world as a cyclical, and shared habitat.


Holowko’s work has appeared at Federation Square, NGV, White Night, National Wool Museum, Sculpture by The Sea, ArtPlay, Bendigo Conservatory, Montalto, Albury Library Museum, Utrecht University Museum, and BAK Gallery amongst others.

Wild City, 2018 - 2022

Wild City is a collaborative sculpture made with children that considers wild animals as citizens in urban spaces. Families can explore this alternative future city, where wild animals and humans co-exist and share the landscape.

Wild City illustrates real world examples of how wild animals are being considered citizens in urban spaces. It builds upon the narrative and sculptural objects from a well researched work that inspires children to imagine positive future visions by creating co-habited mini landscapes in collaboration with the artist. This work was born of Holowko's masters research into urban co-existence, and engages people in concepts around urban expansion and habitat loss in a positive and creative experience. 

The work utilises the architectural trope of a display model, presenting an alternative for urban planning through the unguarded imagination of children in order to consider wild animals as citizens.

00:00 / 01:31

Find out more about Kathy Holowko

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